Saturday, February 19, 2011

Exploring the Country

Sorry I haven't blogged in so long! I've actually been doing schoolwork, so go me! I'm writing a paper about Richard Loncraine's 1995 adaptation of Richard III, which is excellent by the way. And I'm trying to get the bulk of it done before Sunday, because that's when Gabe is coming to visit me! I'm so excited! But I still haven't written about my trip to Cork and Blarney, which was awesome.

We left last Friday, and there was a pretty big group of us, mostly from Canisius. It was me, Melissa, Nicole, Katie, Danielle, Nick and Joseph. It was a ton of fun! We stayed in this hostel on the hill in Cork, because Cork is pretty much on hills. Like, the River Lee runs through the city and that's kind of the "valley" I guess, and it goes upwards in most directions from there. We got in sort of late the first night, but we went to this great place called the Franciscan Well, it's like a microbrewery and a bar and most of it is open air. It's got this really cool feel. And we ran into my friend Panda there who I met the first time I was in Cork, which was cool. On Saturday, we did a lot of sightseeing. Me and Nicole broke off from the rest of the group, but we saw a TON of stuff. We climbed up the tower to see the Shandon Bells and we got to ring them, which was totally unexpected and cool. We went to the English Market, which is really bustling and sells all this really great meat and cheese and bread and produce, all really fresh, and we had a fantastic lunch from there. We saw cathedrals and I got to see the campus again and we ate the best chips and met people, it was really great. The second night we just chilled in our hostel room and drank wine, but it was a great time to hang out with the other Canisius people. I got along with them but I feel like I got to really kind of bond with them, especially Nick and Joseph who have the world's best bro-mance and pretty much kept me laughing the entire time we were there, including until about three in the morning. Here are some pictures from Cork!

The River Lee!

This beer... was in there!

Going to see the cathedral!

We also went to Blarney and I am so glad we did. It was BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, I pretty much cannot overstate how amazing it was there. We got there pretty early and the morning light seriously made the entire place look completely magical. I can see why people thought faeries lived there. We had an amazing time just exploring the grounds around Blarney castle. We did climb the castle, which was pretty terrifying actually. It's really high up and the whole thing is just like... old and made of rock. I was pretty freaked out. And to add to it, even though it had been nice all day, it started hailing as soon as I got up there. Crazy, I know! So no, I didn't kiss the stone and I guess I didn't get the gift of the gab... But at least there was a good view! Seriously though, I don't even have much to say about Blarney because it kind of defies all description, but have a look at some of the pictures! They don't really do it justice, but for an idea.

Me and Nicole!

This one is from the top of Blarney Castle!

Since then, I haven't really been up to much shenanigannery. I guess I've been taking it easy this week because I know big things are coming up, with Gabe coming and my birthday and then next week is Rag Week which is pretty much a big week-long party at my school. But tonight I did go to a Connacht rugby game and it was soooo much fun! People are really into their rugby here. It was just a crazy good time, even though I didn't know what was going on most of the time. Rugby is complicated. But we were playing Glasgow and there was this big group of really drunk Scottish guys and they were all wearing kilts. And when Connacht beat Glasgow 37-8, one of them like jumped up over the fence and onto the field and totally tackled the Connacht mascot and put him into the dirt. It was the funniest thing that has ever happened hahahahaha. I'm really anxious to go to another game now! I guess Ireland'll make a rugby fan out of me. Unfortunately I forgot my camera, so I don't have any pictures from the game, but here's one of my celebrating in my new Connacht hat.

Go Connacht!

Anyway, this was a really long blog so I hope you're all satisfied! I'll write more soon and post adorable pictures of me and Gabe.

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