Monday, December 20, 2010

The Beginning of my Blagosphere Legacy

Hello Blagosphere!

Welcome to the first post in my brand new blog! I never had much luck before with keeping current on a blog, but desperate times call for desperate measures. What I mean is that I'm leaving for my study abroad in Galway, Ireland soon. A little scarily soon, actually, I think the count is at fifteen days now? And when I'm there, I want to keep in touch with all my wonderful Buffalo friends (that's you, faithful readers) and I figured that rather than wasting a bunch of time trying to email the same story to all my friends every day, I could keep a blog about all the stuff I'm doing! It can even have fancy pictures and stuff, which will be extra useful for people who don't use Facebook. (I'm looking at you, Mom.) So anyone who's reading this right now, allow me to thank you for loving me enough to want to follow my blog while I'm away.

In any case, Christmas is coming up quickly and my departure is coming up scarily quickly too - I'm leaving on January 3rd. And now with exams over, I have plenty of time to agonize and be a nervous wreck about it! I finished the last of my paperwork with the study abroad office today, so talk about last minute, but I'm trying not to think too much about all the packing and stuff I have to do until after Christmas. A lot of people are asking me if I'm excited about my trip. Well, yeah, but I'm also nervous about leaving and missing all my friends. I've finally come to the logical conclusion that they probably won't forget who I am over the course of five months. I also probably won't replace any of them with Matt Smith, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. I'm just hoping to spend my last two weeks in the U.S. of A. having fun with everyone and reminding them how great I am and how they will definitely still want to be my friend in May :D

And thus ends my blog post. Hopefully I'll get better at this. FEEL FREE TO LEAVE COMMENTS, I LOVE COMMENTS! :D
-Jetsetter Hannah

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah,

    You know you're going to have the time of your life. Try not to sweat getting ready and the travel nerves. Soon enough you'll be hanging in this beautiful new place, making new friends and slurping down Guinness.

